Not-Muslim reuse Not-Muslim video to get real Muslims to fight Non-Muslim war against Israel for real Muslims in Palestine under the flag of Not-Muslim Organisation

2 min readMay 18, 2021

A “he is not a muslim” video praises the islamic god and calling for muslims who condemns these self-professed muslims, who are not real muslims, to go to syria to fight in a islamic jihad, is now reused by not-muslims to get real muslims to answer the call of the self-professed muslims that are condemned to be not muslims to go to Gaza to fight the Israelis for the muslims brothers in palestine… but i’m sure these people fighting the israelis are also not muslims, since they can use the same footage of the self-professed muslims who are not considered muslims by real muslims to go fight the Israeli in the perceived oppression (or perhaps real oppression) against the real muslims in palestine, that are defended by maybe-yes-maybe-not real muslims….

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“He also said Isis did not want to come to Gaza’s aid as this would be the same as defending Hamas, which Isis views as an “infidel” for cooperating with its fellow “infidel” Iran, a Shia country.”

< — — this blows my mind… LOL~

Not-muslims dont want to go to Gaza’s aid to protect the real muslims there because it is the same as defending another not-muslims, because the not-muslim views them as not-muslims too for cooperating with its fellow not-muslims Iran, which is a not-real-muslim country….

Boomz… my brain hurts…

#palestine #israel #muslim #islam #gaza




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